Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Andor Season 2 Will Bring Back More Rogue One Characters

Who would’ve thought that “Andor,” a prequel/spinoff series to a prequel movie with as many highly-publicized issues behind the scenes like “Rogue One,” would turn out to be the best thing this franchise ever made since Disney took over? (If anyone wanted to slightly nudge Rian Johnson’s “The Last Jedi” into first place instead, I wouldn’t argue!) But for a series that managed to avoid all the pitfalls that other “Star Wars” shows have fallen prey to over the years — specifically by remaining a self-contained story that relied on great writing over cramming in Easter eggs and cameos — the idea that season 2 of “Andor” will draw more connections to preexisting material we’ve all seen before might be enough to send up red flags among certain fans.

Well, luckily the strong track record established by Tony Gilroy means that viewers can probably breathe easy no matter what comes next. Remember, season 1 brought in a recurring character like Forest Whitaker’s Saw Gerrera without making it feel like an indulgent cameo for the sake of one, all while crafting an unexpectedly compelling subplot revolving around Genevieve O’Reilly’s Mon Mothma, of all people. If Gilroy and his writers can do the same with, I don’t know, the robot K-2S0 (which voice actor Alan Tudyk previously mentioned could be on the table eventually) or maybe even Mads Mikkelsen’s Oppenheimer-like scientist Galen Erso, I’ll personally never stop singing the praises of “Andor.”

Who would you like to see pop up in season 2 of “Andor”? For better or worse, you’ll have plenty of time to imagine the possibilities. The premiere is likely to drop sometime in 2025.

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